So I have been wanting to post this for the last week, but haven't had the computer access or the energy to do so until now.
As some of you know, I spent last weekend with my grandma. She is currently recovering from from an illness and doing quite well, but still requiring a lot of help, which my aunts have been doing most of the time. I volunteered to go stay with her to give them a break and to spend time with her.
On my way up, last Friday I got a call from my mom saying that there was another guest at Grandma's, a rat. Apparently things were being knocked off the shelves, a few droppings were found, and my aunt Mary had come face to face with it in the bathroom in the middle of the night.
*Note: My oldest aunt, Judy, has been the leader in my grandma's care, staying with her the most, and OF COURSE has many phobias but none worse than her fear of mice and rats.
So I arrived. Meeting my grandma and Judy at grandma's, before we all went elsewhere for the evening, while the rat was hopefully caught. While we gathered my grandma's stuff I talked to Judy about the clues of the rat, casually mentioning that Mary had seen it. "OH NO, no one has seen it!" Ah, apparently we were keeping Judy in the dark... Great! So off we went for Friday night.
Saturday we went back to the house, with Judy conviced that there was no rat because nothing had been caught. We were to sleep there that night, and though I was careful entering rooms I wasn't really scared. We had checked under my bed, and closed the door so my room was sealed.. .Or so I thought. Amdist a good deep sleep I was awoken to the feeling of feet scampering down my chest. I tried not to make any sudden moves, hoping to get my bearings and gage whether I was just dreaming. Well, I must have budged a bit when I awoke because I felt it hop to my feet just before I flung the covers from me. All of which was in complete darkness. By the time I got the light on, it was no where to be seen... But there was no way in hell I was sleeping in there. So off I went to the couch in the living room. Each time I would begin to doze off I heard it running around the kitchen. It wasn't until the sun came up that I truly could relax because it was bedtime for the rat. (Inhale).
TWEET! TWEET! TWEET! My grandma's whistle, 8am, she needed something, and so I was up.
Then Judy calls, "So any rat sightings?" "Uh, no not exactly... I think I heard it though..." But I just couldn't bring myself to tell her about my bed buddy. Thankfully I left that afternoon, and soon after Judy was informed of the sighting, so then they actually hired someone to take care of it. They ended up catching the rat. 8 inch body, and just as long of a tail. Fantastic!
So that is my long winded, rat story. The rest of the week was just AP Conference and time with cousins. Good times, but not really news worthy.