Sunday, April 02, 2006

Miss You Sweet Boy

As I got home from church tonight, my parents seemed angry, or at least not their pleasant usual selves. After asking if they were mad, they said "We have some sad news." I knew immediately. Our 14 year old family dog, Jordan, passed away. He had been going down hill very quickly these last few weeks, and today he appeared to be suffering more than normal. Our prayers were answered, as he was released from his pain. At hearing the news I was saddened but grateful. This fantastic friend would no longer be hurting, but he will certainly be missed.

Jordan joined our family when I was only 11. He was my brother's 9th birthday present, and was named Jordan because Michael Jordan was my brother's hero, and his tongue always hung out. He was the sweetest dog that just wanted to be near us and love us... and he did. In his 14 long years, he survived two major attacks from the dogs next door, where he suffered the loss of his tail and major facial damage. He also out lived our two younger dogs, Shaq and Mugsey. But now the boys are together again. He was a wonderful member of our family and will certainly be missed.


Adam said...

Sorry to hear that. It's always hard to lose a pet. One of my mom's cats died just last week.

kendalljean said...

Thanks Adam. Yeah it is hard, but he lived quite a life, so we are grateful. And I am sorry about your mom's cat.

edluv said...

my sympathies.

Anonymous said...

I understand the lose of a family pet. Our pets become our famiy. I'm sorry for you and your families loss. He seemed to have a had a good life with you all.