Saturday, March 04, 2006

It's Official!

It's official and I couldn't be happier. I was just informed yesterday that I will be teaching AP European History next year, and for years to come. This class is the ideal... It is the closest I could get to the content and level of depth that I want to teach without actually teaching at the college level. Along with this fantastic news, I am loving teaching again, and am absolutely certain that my decision to stay is the right one. Thanks to all of you for your constant support!


edluv said...

well, well. you get to teach about how europe ruined the world. and also made it great. such a paradox.

kendalljean said...

It's true. Though I have never thought about it so simplistically. I wonder if the positive contributions out weigh the negatives, or if you have to accept that with the good comes the bad. Food for thought.

edluv said...

that's my gift. simplicity. or, at least, simple, insulting statements.

on the serious side, i do believe that it is true. i also believe that the good far exceeds the bad, although pockets of our culture tends to only notice the bad. i had a teacher pose the question to me once like this, "would you rather have brain surgery here or in africa? there's a reason the sultan of brunei is at the mayo clinic."

but, that doesn't allow us to be blind to our failures, to be aware and attempt to not repeat them.

Anonymous said...

That's great news! I'm so excited for you! Everything is just working itself right into place! I love exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!

kendalljean said...

It really truly is. I haven't been this happy is a really long time. It's a nice change. Life is good!