Wednesday, May 10, 2006

America got it Wrong!

I am so bummed about American Idol! My favorite from the beginning has been eliminated. I really have nothing much to say about it, except that I am disappointed that Chris isn't going to be the next American Idol... Guess I should have voted.

I am rooting for Elliot now, but with much less enthusiasm. If I didn't have to watch Taylor flail around the stage he wouldn't be so bad, and Katharine is beautiful with a beautiful voice, but she is kind of boring.

Booo America! We can't choose anything right... idols...presidents...


edluv said...

i have watched very few minutes of this season of idol, but i was glad to hear that this wiener was voted off. he bugged me. i especially disliked that they kept pushing him as some sort of rocker.

heather says that i wouldn't make it on the show.

that's enough for now.

edluv said...

so, jason, are you really saying that america sucks?

edluv said...

maybe you should move to canada

love it or leave it

these colors don't run