Monday, May 15, 2006


So I have been bad about posting lately... My apologies. Things are starting to settle down, and I am feeling in control of my life again, thank goodness! Even so, I don't really have anything too exciting to share, so instead I will just give a little run down on what's been going on.

My friend Kasey has been in town this last week and will be here for a few more days. The hope is that she will fall in love with Fresno again and move home, but we have tough competition... Austin, TX. We will see what she decides. If she does make the move home, it will be in September, and I will be very happy.

Next, I am getting baptized on Sunday. I am really excited and feel good about the whole thing. I am also relieved that my testimony is already taken care of. I am a little curious as to how it is all going to work, as I am not that familiar with the logistics of baptism. I am sure we will work it all out at some point this week, but until then I will continue to wonder.

Finally, I am so excited about a new aspect of my teaching of AP European history. I am hoping to organize a student trip to Europe. There is actually a trip designed exactly for AP Euro, so all of the sites and experiences completely align with the curriculum. The best part... I would get to go for free! I am planning to arrange it for this time next year, just following the AP test. So we will see how this goes.

Other than that, four weeks until the end of school, BTSA will be done in the beginning of June, and I am still planning to move to Tower in the beginning-ish of August.

1 comment:

edluv said...

shoot, i think i'd pick austin. super cool town, great housing prices (especially compared to here), awesome music and culture scene. all we got is tower district, and friends. and that's not keeping much lately.

hey, if you're up to it, you and your chum can come out w/us weds night. although she came to kareoke the other night, i don't know if she really got to talk to anyone.

as for baptism, we're just going to spray you with a hose outside of babylon. just kidding. if matt doesn't get a hold of you soon with practical details, get in touch with him.

oh yeah, congrats on being done with btsa. it seems that people are usually glad to be done, saw a little bit of benefit, but all in all are glad to be done.