Monday, June 12, 2006

School's Out For Summer!

Today was my first official day of summer. Though I did spend the entire day at school cleaning up my room, I am still very happy to be on break.

This weekend allowed for some time of reflection after hanging out with lots of great colleagues, spending time with students and their families and being given new responsibilities at church. Just a few months ago, I felt that Fresno was not for me, and that I was simply a guest in other people's lives, just along for the ride. Amazingly, once I realized that I didn't want to join the Peace Corps things totally changed. I was fulfilled teaching; loving my students, loving my colleagues, loving the work! I am excited for the break right now, but still completely looking forward to fall.

As for church, it has had its ups and downs lately. However yesterday I was given a little more freedom in creating environments that foster the community that we are trying to build at Community Meal. Up until now my responsibility consisted of establishing what food to bring and delegating who will bring it. It is going to be a lot more than that now... Meaning more work, but a product that I can actually feel good about.

What inspired all of these changes? I don't know, but it is a welcomed new feeling. I feel more content now than I have in a very long time, maybe ever. Fresno is where I want to be. Thanks to all of you that have welcomed me into your world and allowed me make it my own!

Looking forward to a great summer.


Adam said...

See that's the trick Kendall. Becky wasn't allowed to leave until she found someone to fill her space.

Anonymous said...

It is the fine print in the contract...Make sure you read it fully!

I'm glad everything is working out for you. I'm happy to hear of you renewed passion! It's refreshing to know that and see it in you!

kendalljean said...

Thanks. :)