Sunday, June 25, 2006

Pleasantly Bored

Still not much to say... Which I guess is good. Summer vacation is always much needed, but it is easy to feel like I am just wasting time after the first week off. What I keep reminding myself of, is the need for sleep, relaxation and even boredom after nine months of chaos and exhaustion!

With that, I am looking forward to housesitting for the Heinricy's for the next couple of days. Allowing me a change of scenery, plus I will be in Fresno making outings more convenient and affordable with the crazy gas prices! SO if any of you find yourselves bored, call me up!


Adam said...

Does it matter if I happen to be bored at work?

kendalljean said...

Well that is a bummer! No solution for that one. Let me know if you are bored after work though.