Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Grey's Anatomy

I officially have a new favorite show! I knew after watching the season 2 finale of Grey's Anatomy, that I would probably like it. Now, having watched season 1 in its entirety, in one sitting I might add, it is official. What the heck am I going to do now though as I wait for the release of season 2. AHHHHH!

Oh, and I have already decided that once I get my own place again and season 3 starts up, I will be hosting Grey's Anatomy parties for whoever would like to come! Even if it's a party of one, that would be fine... But hopefully I'll find some other G.A. nerds!


Adam said...

I watched the show from the start but sort of fell out of it last season. If you start throwing parties, I might get back into it.

kendalljean said...

It's on! We can have a catch up party too, when season two comes out. :)

edluv said...

i enjoy watching this show, but a sunday @ 10p party might not catch too many people. but, if you live close enough i might come. we can drink wine and discuss make up.

Anonymous said...

I'm hooked on Grey's anatomy too. Hey maybe we could start a Grey's anatomy blog...just kidding I wanted to include myself.

I am hoping they will show re-runs this summer to catch up on season two.

Yeah....Good Show!

kendalljean said...

well I have every intention of moving to Tower... so wine and make-up it is!