Monday, January 15, 2007

New Toy!

My computer had been giving me problems for the last few months. It became particularly annoying when the power plug grew looser and looser. It had gotten to the point this weekend that holding it into the socket firmly still wasn't enough to charge the battery. So today I went into CompUSA to see if there was anything they could do to fix it. The technician explained that for $200 they would tell me if there was a part that could be replaced for lots more money or that it was irreparable. He went on to say that usually the diagnosis is the later. So impulsive as always... I bought a new computer. Even more exciting... It's a Mac!

As a former PC user, I am very pleased to be introduced into this great new cyber world! My computer does so many cool things. The most important new tool is not all the great iWork. Nor is it iMovies. The most important new tool... drum roll please...."photo booth." It is a camera on my screen that takes pictures and can manipulate them in many entertaining ways. Here are some amusing examples.


edluv said...

wow. that's quite an impulse buy. i won't hear any "i don't have any $ to go out," from you.

Adam said...

Well, now you may. Is it the black one or the white one?

kendalljean said...

Silver. And no, I will still be going out Ed. It was impulsive but I also didn't really have an option, or at least didn't see one. I have to have a computer to teach. School won't buy MY department laptops so I guess I had to take care of it myself.

Anonymous said...

welcome to the mac world! those pictures are kind of scarey but very guys are hot!