Friday, January 27, 2006

Legal Speed?

So I have had one of the most productive days in a very long time. Had a great day at school, and decided instead of going home to veg on a Friday afternoon, I would stay and prepare for Monday. This prevents me from having to go back to school on Sunday as I typically do. I wrote a test, finished lesson plans, made copies, cleaned my desk, and organized my room in general... Leaving the campus around 7pm. Once I got home (where I have been living in squalor), I decided to straighten up. I cleaned for nearly 3 hours straight and now have a tidy apartment. I am feeling much peace in knowing everything is ready for Monday, my apartment is in order, and I have an open weekend ahead of me... Good right? Well, the only reason I was able to get all of this done was because I drank a Rock Star energy drink right after school. I knew that this boost would get me motivated and energetic enough to complete the tasks that I needed to. I feel like a cheater. As if the only way I can be productive for an extended period of time requires the aid of energy my body is not producing on its own. I know the drink isn't great for my body, and for that reason don't drink it that often... Not like volleyball season. However, I also am becoming aware of how much it aids me in fulfilling my responsibilities, and think of all the tasks I can now complete.

At what point are we abusing legal substances that alter our natural behavior?


edluv said...

"At what point are we abusing legal substances that alter our natural behavior?"

hmm, depends on what you mean by abuse. i'd say when it becomes detrimental to our lives or becomes controlling. like, when you can't get through your day without one. every day.

or, maybe it's when your body starts feeling the adverse affects.

or something else.

Anonymous said...

Kendall I feel the same way. I've realized I have an addictive personality. Volleyball season really got me hooked on energy drinks. I catch myself every now and then very dependent on the energy.

Adam said...

Perhaps it's psychosomatic.

Unknown said...

Vegas, fools. It's on. Comment on my post about dates, times, etc. Or call/text/pigeon me.


Unknown said...

(Speaking of abusing and altering perception... ha ha ha-ha!)