Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I have been reflecting a lot lately on my life, and the choices that I have made to get to the place that I am today. I often have wondered if coming back to Fresno was the right thing for me or just the safe, non-challenging route, that I only pursued because I was afraid to attempt anything else. Recently, however, I have become aware of the great life that has begun to take hold around me, and this IS the place that I am meant to be for this time in my life. After 3 1/2 years I am now surrounded by quality friends that have been amazing to me, good times and bad. I have learned so much from each one of them, and am becoming the person that I am meant to be, because of each and every unique individual that is a part of my life. I am so grateful for the life that I have found here in Fresno, and look forward to the journey yet to follow. Thank you to all of my friends for your continued love and support. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Adam said...

Truly humbling you are.

Anonymous said...

I love you too and I'm very thankful we are colleagues, coaches, and friends most of all. Thank you for your support this year! see you later!

Rebecca said...

Thank you Kendall! I am so grateful for the friendship we have forged this year. You are an amazing woman and I am so excited for our friendship to develop futher. Thanks to you and Becky for caring enough about Madissen too to include her in your lives. You are the SATC friends a girls could have. (Adam, too)

Adam said...

Yay! What does SATC mean?

kendalljean said...

SATC = Sex and the City. That's okay Miranda, you'll catcn on. Love you all!

Adam said...

Yeah, whatever. Jules and Mimi is on. I need some ice cream.

kendalljean said...

Don't forget to change Ivy's diaper... just avoid smudging any poo on your face. :)